30 Best Practices for Clean JavaScript Code [Bonus tips at the end]

Explore coding standards and techniques that lead to clean, well-organized code that is easy to maintain and understand.

Nikit Rauniyar
9 min readSep 5, 2023
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No waste of time. Let's go directly into it.

1. Avoid Global Variables

Bad Example:

var x = 10;
function calculate() {
// Using the global variable x
return x * 2;

Good Example:

function calculate(x) {
// Pass x as a parameter
return x * 2;
const x = 10;
const result = calculate(x);

Avoid polluting the global scope with variables to prevent conflicts and improve code maintainability.

2. Use Arrow Functions for Concise Code

Bad Example:

function double(arr) {
return arr.map(function (item) {
return item * 2;

Good Example:

const double = (arr) => arr.map((item) => item * 2);

Arrow functions provide a concise and more readable way to define small functions.

3. Error Handling with Try-Catch Blocks

